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About our industry

The adhesive and sealant (A&S) industry is a success story that spans hundreds of years. 


Our industry can trace its origins back to the days of making 'glue' from natural products such as tree sap and starch, through to today’s high-tech adhesives that make our cars, aeroplanes and rockets safer.  


Adhesives and sealants play an essential role in thousands of everyday items: From a plaster on a cut knee to repairing your shoes and conveyor belts, holding together your mobile phone and weather-proofing of your house. Many items rely on our industry which makes millions of products possible and also enables manufacturers to produce products in a more cost-effective and sustainable manner.


Creating a sustainable future with Adhesives and Sealants

Celebrating the binding force that shapes our world!
A&S typically constitute only a small percentage of the final product they are incorporated into!

In the majority of applications, adhesives and sealants can play a significant role in enabling the sustainability benefits of a product, particularly in terms of the substrates they are required to bond, the efficiency of the manufacturing process they are used on, the end use of the bonded article, its durability, and the opportunity to recycle the materials used at the end of its useful life. 
They enable even the trickiest of repairs, as well as the speediest. 

Our industry supports the European Commission's Green Deal and other EU initiatives that allow chemicals to be produced and used in a way that maximises their contribution to society while avoiding harm to the planet and to current and future generations.

Adhesives & Sealants are essential for: Digitalisation, Energy Savings & Renewable Energy, Good Health & Well-Being, Clean Water & Sanitation, Avoiding Food Waste, P
roducts relating to the EU Strategic Industries, and more.

Click here for some examples of our industry's innovations for sustainable development.
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